Business Applications
藉助 Lenovo 業務應用程式簡化操作、自動化任務並提高靈活性,使您的企業更具競爭力。 Lenovo 提供的平臺具有一鍵式簡便性和快速部署性,可輕鬆便捷地為您奠定領先優勢。
Run your business better with Lenovo
在快速、可靠的 Lenovo 基礎架構上部署市場領先的業務應用程式,以提高效率、培養創造力並刺激盈利性發展。 我們提供彈性且可擴充的系統,具有大記憶體和儲存容量,可在業務需要時運行最關鍵的工作負載和要求苛刻的應用程式。 透過處理端到端架構、硬體安裝、資料傳輸和系統部署,我們已經創建了最優秀的解決方案,助您改變現狀實現目標。

採用 SAP S/4HANA 和 Business Suite 的業務解決方案
適用於 SAP S/4HANA 和 Business Suite 應用程式的 Lenovo 解決方案可讓您的核心業務流程高效運行。

SAP Business One 的小型企業解決方案
LenovoSAP Business One 解決方案使小型企業和子公司能夠簡化端到端流程並加速成長。


TruScale Infrastructure Services
Lenovo TruScale is an as-a-service, cloud-like experience with on-prem security and control. It scales very easily, to give you all the power and strategic advantage of the latest data center hardware through a pay-as-you-go business model.

Professional Services
We’ll design the best way to get you from where you are to where you want to be by manging end-to-end architecture, hardware installation, data migration, and system deployment, accelerating your time to productivity and maximizing your ROI.

Support Services
Enjoy one-call support with Premier Support warranty upgrades and extensions. For more complex issues, a Technical Account Manager with in-depth expertise, serves as a single point of accountability for all your infrastructure services.

Managed Services
Lenovo Managed Services helps businesses like yours, to gain better performance, limited downtime and peace of mind. With a tailored service, you control and predict your costs and improve system availability and capacity, while reducing your operating expenses.
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