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Sfrutta un’infrastruttura più intelligente dall’edge al cloud

Lenovo e VMware forniscono soluzioni chiavi in mano con la flessibilità ‘as-a-service’ per attivare il valore aziendale.

Accelera la modernizzazione aziendale. Pilota la trasformazione intelligente.

Immagine grafica che suscita l’idea di una moderna infrastruttura IT

Infrastruttura IT moderna

Lenovo ThinkAgile VX HCI dotato di soluzione vSAN fornisce un incremento delle prestazioni fino al 300%.

  • Soluzioni iperconvergenti
  • Implementazioni più veloci
  • Gestione operativa fluida
Immagine grafica che suggerisce una soluzione chiavi in mano

Soluzione chiavi in mano

Lenovo ThinkAgile VX HCI dotato di soluzione vSAN snellisce l’infrastruttura grazie a:

  • Riduzione del tempo di backup fino al 93%
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  • Risparmio di 50 TB di spazio di archiviazione grazie alla compressione e al rapporto di deduplicazione pari all’1,66
    Scopri di più
Immagine grafica che suggerisce la caratteristica ‘as-a-service’


Lenovo TruScale Hybrid Cloud con Vmware

  • Libera fino al 40% del tempo del team per focalizzarlo su attività più innovative
  • Accelerazione dell’innovazione grazie alla riduzione del tempo di creazione VM del 98%
  • 100% di disponibilità sin dall’implementazione

Rendere l’infrastruttura intelligente più semplice

Storia di valore di Lenovo e Vmware

Scopri come le soluzioni edge-native hybrid cloud integrate di Lenovo offrono una perfetta gestione nell’intero spettro dell’odierno e mutevole panorama IT.
3 passaggi per potenziare l’IT senza essere sopraffatto

3 passaggi per conferire potere all’IT

Modernizza, accelera e snellisci l’infrastruttura IT. Con Lenovo e VMware sarai pronto a tutto.

Da sopraffatto a potenziato

Da sopraffatto a potenziato

Le aziende richiedono un’innovazione più rapida e sono orientate all’economia digitale. Scopri come i responsabili IT possono bilanciare le responsabilità strategiche e operative.

Professionisti IT che collaborano in ambiente d’ufficio.

Scopri gli altri modi in cui Lenovo e VMware possono attivare l’accelerazione aziendale

Il nostro innovativo portfolio congiunto di soluzioni pienamente testate e convalidate consente di ottenere informazioni utili più velocemente, migliora l’efficienza operativa e accelera il valore del business e l’innovazione durante il tuo percorso verso il multi-cloud hybrid ed edge. Ottimizza i tuoi investimenti nell’infrastruttura IT e diventa un esperto di cloud.

Storie di successo dei clienti


Uomo che osserva il paesaggio urbano e il fiume

E-book di case study interattivo

Aiutare a vincere le sfide IT e ispirare nuove idee.
IT worker in office environment

Lyric Robot

Conferire potere ai team per massimizzare loro prestazioni.
Rendering digitale 3D


Portare il cloud in-house e in tutto il mondo.
Campo erboso, fogliame

Directorate for Agrarian Payments Serbia

Erogazione di supporto finanziario vitale alle comunità agricole.

Sbloccare le possibilità

Woman silhouetted against windows

Sblocca l’intelligenza artificiale per tutti

Il 98% dei manager concorda che i modelli di intelligenza artificiale rivestiranno un ruolo importante nella propria organizzazione.
Three people in a dark-sky setting viewing the milky way

Sblocca l’innovazione AI generativa

Sia che si esplorino app moderne per offrire un’innovazione più rapida o che si cerchi di migliorare il business, le giusta fondamenta sono un fattore di successo cruciale.
Pedestrian silhouetted against a dark urban landscape

Sblocca l’infrastruttura più intelligente per hybrid cloud

Il modello hybrid cloud è emerso come evidente scelta per ottenere resilienza operativa sbloccando allo stesso tempo l’innovazione.
Person walking in a futuristic hall

Sblocca le opportunità oltre l’edge

Guarda esempi del mondo reale di come le aziende utilizzano l’edge computing per creare efficienza e vantaggi competitivi.
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Understanding VMware Hyperconverged Infrastructure (HCI) by Lenovo

For the IT professional or new-age business tech enthusiast looking to understand the potent capabilities of VMware Hyperconverged Infrastructure (HCI), this deep exploration aims to shed light on its inner workings. It is more than a trend but a transformational foundation for IT environments.

HCI is becoming increasingly important as technology advances, offering efficiency and scalability for modern businesses. Lenovo is leading the charge, developing HCI solutions that not only streamline operations but also prepare infrastructure for the future.

When we look inside HCI, we find a system driven by software. Hypervisors handle virtualization, while software-defined Infrastructure, networking and storage virtualization work together seamlessly.

VMware HCI brings many benefits, including simpler operations, better resource use, and increased agility. Lenovo's partnership with VMware ensures that HCI remains a competitive choice for businesses seeking a forward-looking infrastructure.

Comparison between HCI, Traditional, and Converged Infrastructure

To grasp the full extent of HCI's influence, it's crucial to compare it against traditional and converged infrastructure. HCI is a leap from siloed legacy systems, offering a more cohesive and integrated approach. Unlike converged infrastructure, which combines elements in a single platform but may still require manual integration, HCI is fully software-defined. This makes it more flexible, scalable, and easier to manage, aligning perfectly with the needs of modern businesses.

What is Hyperconverged Infrastructure (HCI)?

Hyperconverged Infrastructure (HCI) is a modern method of organizing data center architecture. It brings together computing, storage, networking, and virtualization resources into a single platform that is defined by software. In traditional data center arrangements, these elements are usually separate, needing individual attention for management and upkeep.

HCI simplifies things by merging all these resources into one unified system. Typically, it involves basic hardware like servers with local storage, combined with software-defined storage and networking layers. The software layer is vital for efficiently coordinating and managing resources.

A crucial aspect of HCI is virtualization, made possible by hypervisors. These hypervisors enable multiple virtual machines (VMs) to operate on a single physical server. This capability provides more flexibility and scalability in deploying and handling applications and workloads.

HCI setups are designed to be highly expandable. Organizations can begin with a small setup and easily grow it as needed. It offers easier management, better use of resources, and improved scalability compared to traditional infrastructure setups.

In essence, HCI signifies a move toward more efficient and adaptable data center operations. It allows organizations to quickly adjust to changing business needs while cutting down on the complexity and expenses associated with managing separate infrastructure components.

How Does Hyperconverged Infrastructure Work?

The underlying mechanics of HCI are a symphony of software-driven technology and harmonized hardware. Using a hypervisor, the heart of virtualization that enables multiple operating systems to run on a single physical system, HCI leverages server virtualization. This is paired with network virtualization using software-defined networking and storage virtualization through software-defined storage to deliver a seamlessly integrated system that is resilient and agile.

The Lenovo ThinkAgile VX series brings forth a solution that not only works today but is upgradable to meet the needs of tomorrow. It turns the complexities of managing infrastructure into a user-friendly interface, with the promise of scalability with each wave of technological evolution.

Benefits of VMware Hyperconverged Infrastructure

VMware HCI offers an assortment of advantages, from operational simplicity and improved resource utilization to cost efficiency and streamlined support and maintenance. The robustness of VMware HCI ensures your IT environment is dynamic enough to adapt to any changes in your business landscape.

Lenovo's ThinkAgile VX series, powered by vSAN, ensures that transitioning to an HCI isn't just about adopting new technology but also about maximizing performance at every turn. ThinkAgile VX has been meticulously crafted to enhance the VMware HCI experience, ensuring higher availability and performance for the most demanding applications and workloads.

The Future Outlook of VMware HCI in Business

The outlook of VMware Hyperconverged Infrastructure (HCI) in business is promising. As businesses increasingly rely on data-driven insights and real-time decision-making, VMware HCI provides the foundation for high-performance computing and analytics. The integration of advanced technologies, such as artificial intelligence and machine learning, further enhances the capabilities of HCI, empowering businesses to unlock new insights and drive innovation.  With AI in the mix, the possibilities are truly yet to be conceived – but it all leads toward more insights, more dynamic response, more automation and less overhead.

Importance of VMware HCI in Modern IT Infrastructure

In the world of persistent technological evolution, the significance of a future-proof IT infrastructure can't be overstated. VMware HCI through Lenovo ThinkAgile VX HCI and Lenovo TruScale Hybrid Cloud stands out in its ability to offer that and more. The following are the key reasons why VMware HCI is essential in modern IT infrastructure:

  • Simplified management: One of the primary benefits of VMware HCI is its simplified management. By combining multiple components into a single platform, organizations no longer need to manage separate silos for computing, storage, and networking. Lenovo ThinkAgile VX HCI powered by vSAN streamlines infrastructure operations, achieving huge reductions in backup time and saving massive amounts of storage space using compression and deduplication. This results in reduced complexity and operational overhead, freeing up IT teams to focus on other critical tasks.
  • Increases scalability: Traditional IT infrastructure often requires manual intervention to scale up or down resources based on demand. With VMware HCI's software-defined architecture, scaling up or down can be done quickly and non-disruptively through simple configuration changes or adding more nodes to the cluster.
  • Improves resource utilization: VMware HCI enables better utilization of resources by allowing for granular allocation of computer and storage resources based on specific workload requirements. This results in increased efficiency and cost savings as organizations can avoid over-provisioning of resources.
  • Enhances agility: In today's fast-paced business environment, agility is critical for organizations to stay competitive. VMware HCI provides the flexibility to deploy workloads across different locations - on-premises or in the cloud - without compromising performance or data integrity.
  • Boosts performance: The tightly integrated nature of VMware HCI eliminates network bottlenecks and provides high-performance I/O between compute and storage components. Additionally, features like vSAN Encryption ensure data security without sacrificing performance. Lenovo TruScale Hybrid Cloud with VMware offers HCI as-a-service, freeing up your IT teams time for other opportunities. It also incredibly reduces VM creation times, accelerating innovation while ensuring constant availability from implementation.
  • Enables disaster recovery: Disaster recovery (DR) is crucial for business continuity planning. With VMware HCI's built-in replication capabilities, organizations can easily replicate virtual machines (VMs) from one site to another for DR purposes without needing additional tools or solutions.

VMware HCI brings numerous benefits to the modern IT infrastructure, such as simplified management, improved scalability, resource utilization, agility, performance, and disaster recovery. As organizations continue to adopt hybrid and multi-cloud strategies, VMware HCI's flexibility and integration will only become more critical in meeting their evolving infrastructure needs.

Lenovo and VMware: A Powerful Integration

Lenovo's strong partnership with VMware is a testament to its commitment to delivering future-ready solutions. By integrating VMware's software-defined data center (SDDC) solutions with Lenovo's state-of-the-art hardware, the result is a powerful, comprehensive package that optimizes infrastructure performance and unlocks new levels of operational efficiency.

The Lenovo ThinkAgile VX series is a shining example of this integration, providing a turnkey HCI solution that is not only robust but also extremely easy to deploy and manage.

Understanding VMware Hyperconverged Infrastructure (HCI) by Lenovo

For the IT professional or new-age business tech enthusiast looking to understand the potent capabilities of VMware Hyperconverged Infrastructure (HCI), this deep exploration aims to shed light on its inner workings. It is more than a trend but a transformational foundation for IT environments.

HCI is becoming increasingly important as technology advances, offering efficiency and scalability for modern businesses. Lenovo is leading the charge, developing HCI solutions that not only streamline operations but also prepare infrastructure for the future.

When we look inside HCI, we find a system driven by software. Hypervisors handle virtualization, while software-defined Infrastructure, networking and storage virtualization work together seamlessly.

VMware HCI brings many benefits, including simpler operations, better resource use, and increased agility. Lenovo's partnership with VMware ensures that HCI remains a competitive choice for businesses seeking a forward-looking infrastructure.

Comparison between HCI, Traditional, and Converged Infrastructure

To grasp the full extent of HCI's influence, it's crucial to compare it against traditional and converged infrastructure. HCI is a leap from siloed legacy systems, offering a more cohesive and integrated approach. Unlike converged infrastructure, which combines elements in a single platform but may still require manual integration, HCI is fully software-defined. This makes it more flexible, scalable, and easier to manage, aligning perfectly with the needs of modern businesses.

What is Hyperconverged Infrastructure (HCI)?

Hyperconverged Infrastructure (HCI) is a modern method of organizing data center architecture. It brings together computing, storage, networking, and virtualization resources into a single platform that is defined by software. In traditional data center arrangements, these elements are usually separate, needing individual attention for management and upkeep.

HCI simplifies things by merging all these resources into one unified system. Typically, it involves basic hardware like servers with local storage, combined with software-defined storage and networking layers. The software layer is vital for efficiently coordinating and managing resources.

A crucial aspect of HCI is virtualization, made possible by hypervisors. These hypervisors enable multiple virtual machines (VMs) to operate on a single physical server. This capability provides more flexibility and scalability in deploying and handling applications and workloads.

HCI setups are designed to be highly expandable. Organizations can begin with a small setup and easily grow it as needed. It offers easier management, better use of resources, and improved scalability compared to traditional infrastructure setups.

In essence, HCI signifies a move toward more efficient and adaptable data center operations. It allows organizations to quickly adjust to changing business needs while cutting down on the complexity and expenses associated with managing separate infrastructure components.

How Does Hyperconverged Infrastructure Work?

The underlying mechanics of HCI are a symphony of software-driven technology and harmonized hardware. Using a hypervisor, the heart of virtualization that enables multiple operating systems to run on a single physical system, HCI leverages server virtualization. This is paired with network virtualization using software-defined networking and storage virtualization through software-defined storage to deliver a seamlessly integrated system that is resilient and agile.

The Lenovo ThinkAgile VX series brings forth a solution that not only works today but is upgradable to meet the needs of tomorrow. It turns the complexities of managing infrastructure into a user-friendly interface, with the promise of scalability with each wave of technological evolution.

Benefits of VMware Hyperconverged Infrastructure

VMware HCI offers an assortment of advantages, from operational simplicity and improved resource utilization to cost efficiency and streamlined support and maintenance. The robustness of VMware HCI ensures your IT environment is dynamic enough to adapt to any changes in your business landscape.

Lenovo's ThinkAgile VX series, powered by vSAN, ensures that transitioning to an HCI isn't just about adopting new technology but also about maximizing performance at every turn. ThinkAgile VX has been meticulously crafted to enhance the VMware HCI experience, ensuring higher availability and performance for the most demanding applications and workloads.

The Future Outlook of VMware HCI in Business

The outlook of VMware Hyperconverged Infrastructure (HCI) in business is promising. As businesses increasingly rely on data-driven insights and real-time decision-making, VMware HCI provides the foundation for high-performance computing and analytics. The integration of advanced technologies, such as artificial intelligence and machine learning, further enhances the capabilities of HCI, empowering businesses to unlock new insights and drive innovation.  With AI in the mix, the possibilities are truly yet to be conceived – but it all leads toward more insights, more dynamic response, more automation and less overhead.

Importance of VMware HCI in Modern IT Infrastructure

In the world of persistent technological evolution, the significance of a future-proof IT infrastructure can't be overstated. VMware HCI through Lenovo ThinkAgile VX HCI and Lenovo TruScale Hybrid Cloud stands out in its ability to offer that and more. The following are the key reasons why VMware HCI is essential in modern IT infrastructure:

  • Simplified management: One of the primary benefits of VMware HCI is its simplified management. By combining multiple components into a single platform, organizations no longer need to manage separate silos for computing, storage, and networking. Lenovo ThinkAgile VX HCI powered by vSAN streamlines infrastructure operations, achieving huge reductions in backup time and saving massive amounts of storage space using compression and deduplication. This results in reduced complexity and operational overhead, freeing up IT teams to focus on other critical tasks.
  • Increases scalability: Traditional IT infrastructure often requires manual intervention to scale up or down resources based on demand. With VMware HCI's software-defined architecture, scaling up or down can be done quickly and non-disruptively through simple configuration changes or adding more nodes to the cluster.
  • Improves resource utilization: VMware HCI enables better utilization of resources by allowing for granular allocation of computer and storage resources based on specific workload requirements. This results in increased efficiency and cost savings as organizations can avoid over-provisioning of resources.
  • Enhances agility: In today's fast-paced business environment, agility is critical for organizations to stay competitive. VMware HCI provides the flexibility to deploy workloads across different locations - on-premises or in the cloud - without compromising performance or data integrity.
  • Boosts performance: The tightly integrated nature of VMware HCI eliminates network bottlenecks and provides high-performance I/O between compute and storage components. Additionally, features like vSAN Encryption ensure data security without sacrificing performance. Lenovo TruScale Hybrid Cloud with VMware offers HCI as-a-service, freeing up your IT teams time for other opportunities. It also incredibly reduces VM creation times, accelerating innovation while ensuring constant availability from implementation.
  • Enables disaster recovery: Disaster recovery (DR) is crucial for business continuity planning. With VMware HCI's built-in replication capabilities, organizations can easily replicate virtual machines (VMs) from one site to another for DR purposes without needing additional tools or solutions.

VMware HCI brings numerous benefits to the modern IT infrastructure, such as simplified management, improved scalability, resource utilization, agility, performance, and disaster recovery. As organizations continue to adopt hybrid and multi-cloud strategies, VMware HCI's flexibility and integration will only become more critical in meeting their evolving infrastructure needs.

Lenovo and VMware: A Powerful Integration

Lenovo's strong partnership with VMware is a testament to its commitment to delivering future-ready solutions. By integrating VMware's software-defined data center (SDDC) solutions with Lenovo's state-of-the-art hardware, the result is a powerful, comprehensive package that optimizes infrastructure performance and unlocks new levels of operational efficiency.

The Lenovo ThinkAgile VX series is a shining example of this integration, providing a turnkey HCI solution that is not only robust but also extremely easy to deploy and manage.

Frequently Asked Questions on VMware 

The Lenovo VMware HCI solution represents a paradigm shift from traditional infrastructure by offering a converged platform where computational, storage, and networking resources are tightly integrated. Unlike conventional setups where each component — servers, storage systems, and network switches—is a standalone element, the HCI approach encapsulates all these functions within a unified, software-defined framework. This significantly reduces complexity and streamlines operational processes, enabling IT administrators to deploy, manage, and scale resources with newfound ease and efficiency.

VMware HCI redefines data security and compliance through its robust features, ensuring the safeguarding of data. Enhanced security is achieved with mechanisms like real-time data deduplication, compression, and military-grade encryption, offering rigorous protection for data both at rest within the storage cluster, and in transit across the network. The centralized administrative approach allows organizations to implement consistent security policies, automate compliance checks, and respond with agility to potential threats. This strategy fortifies the data center's defenses, easing the path to compliance with regulatory frameworks, and placing the organization in a strong position to address the intricacies of data privacy laws.

VMware HCI shines in its versatility and fits seamlessly into both on-premises data centers and cloud environments. Leveraging VMware Cloud Foundation, VMware HCI extends its capabilities into the realm of cloud computing, offering a genuinely hybrid model. This effectively allows for a unified management plan and mobility of workloads between the private cloud on-premises and the public cloud with minimal friction. Organizations are thus equipped to enjoy the elasticity and resource dynamism of the cloud while maintaining control and data sovereignty as they would in a traditional data center setup.

Determining the optimal deployment options for HCI requires a thorough analysis of an organization's unique landscape, with an eye towards aligning its technology strategy with business objectives. Whether deploying on-premises, embracing the cloud, or weaving together a nuanced hybrid approach, the decision pivots on several critical considerations, including regulatory compliance, data sovereignty, performance benchmarks, growth trajectories, and economic parameters.

Virtualization and HCI, while interlinked, occupy distinct operational planes within the IT landscape. Virtualization acts as the cornerstone, abstracting physical hardware, thus allowing multiple virtual machines to run concurrently on a single physical server. HCI, however, transcends this by pooling not just computational but also storage and networking resources into a single, software-centric ecosystem. At its core, HCI employs virtualization principles but elevates them within a broader, strategically integrated infrastructure framework, delivering a compact, agile, and scalable solution geared toward the accelerating needs of digital business operations.

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