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處理器或 CPU(中央處理單元)是筆記本電腦主板上的芯片。最好的處理器具有多個內核,並提供超過 2.4 GHz 的計算能力(或時鐘速度)。開發人員需要配備最佳處理器的工作站,以確保工作流程不受干擾。
計算機科學程序需要一個強大的處理器來運行計算密集型任務,同時執行其他職責。雖然大多數普通用戶可以使用簡單的筆記本電腦或平板電腦瀏覽網頁,但開發人員需要一台具有足夠處理能力的計算機來處理高強度程序的需求。計算機科學的理想處理器具有多個內核和至少 3.0 GHz 的計算能力(或時鐘速度)。
您在計算機上安裝的程序會佔用 RAM,並且需要充足的磁盤空間才能有效運行。最適合計算機科學的筆記本電腦具有出色的多核處理器、3.0 GHz 或更高的計算能力,以及至少 8 GB 的 RAM。由於他們經常同時使用多個密集型程序,因此大多數開發人員更喜歡至少 16 GB 以確保任務順利運行。
筆記本電腦的平均電池壽命為 1-5 小時,但可以持續更長時間。最好的開發人員不會滿足於任何少於 7 小時的電池壽命,而且大多數人更喜歡 8-10 小時以上的範圍。
聯想的 ThinkPad P 系列移動工作站擁有令人印象深刻的 16 小時電池續航時間,並且越來越受到專業開發人員的喜愛。
許多人低估了開發人員花在鍵盤後面的時間,但對於大部分時間花在電腦屏幕後面的人來說,這一點非常重要。最適合開發人員的筆記本電腦具有安靜、易於按下的按鍵(但不是太容易),並包括一個 10 鍵數字小鍵盤。
擁有大量本地存儲並不像以前那麼重要,因為您可以將文件保存在 Internet 上;但是,您仍然需要一個主存儲驅動器。大多數專家推薦 SSD(固態驅動器)而不是 HDD 驅動器,因為它更快、更輕、更高效。
建議的最小值為 256 GB。根據您的編程項目,您可能不需要更多的存儲空間(請參閱上面有關在 Internet 上存儲文件的部分。聯想的 ThinkPad P 系列移動工作站具有多種存儲和內存選項,非常適合需要運行大量程序的開發人員和大量的數據。
顯卡有兩種選擇:獨立於處理器的專用 GPU,或由處理器驅動的集成 GPU。
使用最新技術,除非您正在處理視頻遊戲、VR 等硬核圖形,否則沒有必要使用專用 GPU。最新的集成 GPU 能夠處理繁重的工作負載。
作為構建程序和應用程序的人,開發人員需要大量的屏幕空間(屏幕空間)來並排打開多個窗口。大多數專家開發人員建議使用全高清 15" + 屏幕以增加工作空間並避免眼睛疲勞。
處理器——CPU(中央處理器)是筆記本電腦主板上的一個芯片。最好的處理器具有多核和多線程,並提供超過 2.4 GHz 的計算能力(或時鐘速度)。程序員需要配備最佳處理器的工作站,以確保工作流程不受干擾。
RAM –雲使存儲變得不那麼重要,但程序仍然依賴 RAM 作為內存,因此擁有足夠的 RAM 來支持您的計算密集型程序至關重要。絕對最小值是 8 GB,16 GB 是標準,32 GB 是處理大型項目和大量文件的專業開發人員的最愛。
存儲(SSD、HDD 和外部驅動器)——對於開發人員來說,最好的筆記本電腦具有至少 128 GB 的 SSD(固態驅動器)存儲空間,而不是傳統的旋轉 HDD(硬盤驅動器),因為 HDD 更重且啟動速度較慢。許多開發人員喜歡使用至少 256 GB + SSD 存儲。
顯示 -程序員的理想顯示是清晰、高分辨率的顯示,它允許同時輕鬆查看多個窗口,並有足夠的屏幕空間來並排打開窗口並有效地進行多任務處理。程序員需要一個大的工作空間來避免眼睛疲勞。專家建議使用全高清 15 英寸 + 屏幕以增加屏幕空間並簡化多任務處理。
圖形 –開發人員不一定必須使用專用圖形卡。今天的處理器集成了 GPU,能夠處理硬核圖形。只要您不處理視頻遊戲開發或任何類似的工作,您應該可以使用最新版本的集成 GPU。
無線/Wi-Fi –當然,作為開發人員,您需要最好的無線。處理網站和程序,以及上傳文件,都需要閃電般快速的 Wi-Fi。確保至少獲得新的 IEEE 標準:802.11ac(5 GHz,最高 1300 Mbps),幾乎是之前標準(802.11n,最高 450 Mbps)的三倍。
持久的電池 –您想要運行需要大量電池的高強度程序,但您仍然需要一整天的工作。尋找具有出色電池壽命的工作站,甚至可能是優化的工作模式。請記住經驗法則:不要滿足於電池續航時間少於 7 小時的情況。
輕巧但堅固 –作為開發人員,您可能會經常出差,這意味著您一定會發生一兩次事故。出色的筆記本電腦可以承受多次跌落、顛簸和撞擊。
最適合計算機科學的筆記本電腦不僅僅是一堆 RAM 和出色的處理器。
憑藉強大的處理器、快速 RAM 和海量存儲空間,ThinkPad P 系列擁有開發人員進行出色編程所需的一切。
The product/accessories photo is for reference only
Above machine specification information is for reference only and it refers to the highest configuration which the machine is compatible with, yet some specific configuration or related accessories may not available in Hong Kong due to reasons includes but not limited to hardware supply limitation, country (local market) regulation and so on. Please refer to the specific model description for configuration detail before you place order.
Actual battery life may vary depending on application usage, settings, features or tasks selected, network configuration, operating temperature and many other factors.
Limits: Lenovo reserves the right to limit the number of units to a particular product that a customer may buy at any one time.
Availability: Offers, prices, specifications and availability may change without notice. Lenovo is not responsible for photographic or typographic errors.
General System Information: Review key information provided by Microsoft that may apply to your system purchase, including details on Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, and potential upgrades/downgrades. Lenovo makes no representation or warranty regarding third-party products or services.
Pricing: Does not include shipping and handling fees. Reseller prices may vary. Savings referenced off regular Lenovo web prices.
Warranty Service: The Service delivery will be determined by the destination country/region subject to Service capabilities and parts availability in the destination country/region.
Lenovo makes no representation or warranty regarding third party products or services. The Lenovo Limited Warranty applies only to Lenovo hardware products purchased for your own use, and does not transfer upon resale.
Trademarks: Lenovo, ThinkPad, ThinkCentre and the Lenovo logo are trademarks of Lenovo. Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT, and the Windows logo are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Ultrabook, Celeron, Celeron Inside, Core Inside, Intel, Intel Logo, Intel Atom, Intel Atom Inside, Intel Core, Intel Inside, Intel Inside Logo, Intel vPro, Itanium, Itanium Inside, Pentium, Pentium Inside, vPro Inside, Xeon, Xeon Phi, Xeon Inside and Intel Optane are trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the U.S. and/or other countries. Other company, product or service names may be trademarks or service marks of others.
An estimated ship date will be posted on our order status site after your order is placed. The date reflected above does not determine when your order will ship since inventory status may change before your order is final and because items may be held until all products on the order are ready to ship. To obtain the latest information about the availability of a specific part number, please call the phone number listed in the masthead at the top of this page. A flat charge for shipping & handling may apply for certain orders, as indicated on the Checkout page.
The product/accessories photo is for reference only
Above machine specification information is for reference only and it refers to the highest configuration which the machine is compatible with, yet some specific configuration or related accessories may not available in Hong Kong due to reasons includes but not limited to hardware supply limitation, country (local market) regulation and so on. Please refer to the specific model description for configuration detail before you place order.
Actual battery life may vary depending on application usage, settings, features or tasks selected, network configuration, operating temperature and many other factors.
Limits: Lenovo reserves the right to limit the number of units to a particular product that a customer may buy at any one time.
Availability: Offers, prices, specifications and availability may change without notice. Lenovo is not responsible for photographic or typographic errors.
General System Information: Review key information provided by Microsoft that may apply to your system purchase, including details on Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, and potential upgrades/downgrades. Lenovo makes no representation or warranty regarding third-party products or services.
Pricing: Does not include shipping and handling fees. Reseller prices may vary. Savings referenced off regular Lenovo web prices.
Warranty Service: The Service delivery will be determined by the destination country/region subject to Service capabilities and parts availability in the destination country/region.
Lenovo makes no representation or warranty regarding third party products or services. The Lenovo Limited Warranty applies only to Lenovo hardware products purchased for your own use, and does not transfer upon resale.
Trademarks: Lenovo, ThinkPad, ThinkCentre and the Lenovo logo are trademarks of Lenovo. Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT, and the Windows logo are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Ultrabook, Celeron, Celeron Inside, Core Inside, Intel, Intel Logo, Intel Atom, Intel Atom Inside, Intel Core, Intel Inside, Intel Inside Logo, Intel vPro, Itanium, Itanium Inside, Pentium, Pentium Inside, vPro Inside, Xeon, Xeon Phi, Xeon Inside and Intel Optane are trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the U.S. and/or other countries. Other company, product or service names may be trademarks or service marks of others.
An estimated ship date will be posted on our order status site after your order is placed. The date reflected above does not determine when your order will ship since inventory status may change before your order is final and because items may be held until all products on the order are ready to ship. To obtain the latest information about the availability of a specific part number, please call the phone number listed in the masthead at the top of this page. A flat charge for shipping & handling may apply for certain orders, as indicated on the Checkout page.