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Lenovo Pro pour les entreprises
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Lenovo is committed to corporate social responsibility and sustainability across our end-to-end supply chain process. Along with demanding high-quality materials, parts, and products from our suppliers, we have systems in place to help ensure our suppliers comply with all applicable labor, environmental, health and safety, and ethics standards.
We recognize there is no end to this journey and there will be opportunities for improvement continually. Our approach includes:
As an approximate percentage of production spend:
of our procurement is with fewer than 100 large suppliers who typically have robust sustainability programs
of our procurement is with fewer than 100 large suppliers who typically have robust sustainability programs
of our suppliers are independently audited and covered in our direct validation efforts
of our suppliers are independently audited and covered in our direct validation efforts
of our suppliers have ISO 9001 and 14001 and OHSAS 18001 certifications
of our suppliers have ISO 9001 and 14001 and OHSAS 18001 certifications
of our suppliers issue formal public sustainability reports
of our suppliers issue formal public sustainability reports
of our suppliers are formal Responsible Business Alliance members
of our suppliers are formal Responsible Business Alliance members
Key Elements:
We expect our suppliers to meet the highest standards of responsible and ethical conduct regarding how they treat their workers and the environment, and how they do business. This expectation is supported by contractual requirements.
Lenovo’s standard purchase order (PO) and contracts stipulate supplier compliance with our comprehensive Supplier Code of Conduct. This code upholds our values and includes provisions that prohibit human trafficking, discrimination, retaliation to worker complaints, bribery, and corruption. It also requires our suppliers to have formal grievance mechanisms in place.
Lenovo works with the electronics industry on supply chain issues through our Responsible Business Alliance (RBA) (formerly the Electronics Industry Citizenship Coalition (EICC)) membership. Lenovo contractually applies the RBA Code of Conduct and associated audit requirements.
Overall supplier sustainability performance is tracked and reported via an extensive report card program. Performance is assessed against over 25 metrics across quality, delivery, technology, cost, and service. Program status, including open assessments, audits, action plans, and closure of action items are comprehensively reported monthly to senior management.
The program’s key goals are to increase our business with suppliers who perform the best and improve areas of weakness with underperforming suppliers. Supplier performance is applied as an overall penalty/credit multiplier in the calculations. In the event a supplier does not adequately meet our expectations, business activity is discontinued. Furthermore, we track the financial and business stability of over 250 suppliers with a real-time risk-monitoring tool. Business stability is a strong leading indicator of sustainability programs.
Suplliers are also engage through events and meetings, including an annual supplier conference to build relationships and discuss overall performance and key initiatives for the next year. In addition, strategic and key suppliers participate in quarterly meetings.
We directly validate several tiers of our suppliers’ compliance with the RBA program and independent audits. Three types of audits can be used: customer driven, auditee driven, and RBA driven, also known as Validated Audit Program (VAP) audits.
Lenovo practice and key statistics are as follows:
When there are critical issues with excessive working hours and insufficient time off, we request supplier employee data until compliance is initially achieved and demonstrated during the two subsequent quarters. In addition, we conduct quarterly deep-dives and internal reporting on these two topics.
Our overall average audit performance is noted below. Each year represents approximately 50 percent coverage of our overall procurement spend. Scores are based on a weighted 200-point system where priority and major findings have significant weighting. Our quantitative targets are to achieve audit scores greater than 170 and zero priority findings in every audit.
All Suppliers | Outsourced Manufacturing | ||||||
Section | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2018 | 2019 |
Total | 147 | 177 | 156 | 170 | 167 | 153 | 174 |
Labor | 149.5 | 173 | 164 | 167 | 166 | 157 | 169 |
Health & Safety | 160 | 186 | 172 | 186 | 187 | 174 | 189 |
Environment | 183 | 200 | 185 | 200 | 200 | 182 | 200 |
Ethics | 200 | 200 | 200 | 200 | 200 | 198 | 200 |
Management System | 188 | 200 | 200 | 200 | 200 | 189 | 200 |
Priority | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Major | 6 | 3 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 6 | 3 |
We conduct several training and communication activities throughout the year with our global supply chain personnel. In addition, education packages and subject matter experts are available on demand.
Our internal training and awareness programs include:
Monthly newsletters
Semi-annual sustainability training
Semi-annual training on supplier report card penalties and credits
Annual environmental impact training
Annual conflict minerals training
Annual employee communications on ethical, anti-bribery and anti-corruption expectations
As most of our suppliers are large national and international suppliers with their own corporate social responsibility programs, the need for direct capability training is minimal. Our efforts are aligned with capability attainment via communication of objectives and tracking the attainment. Furthermore, the RBA has a comprehensive Learning Academy readily available with modules on all programs, guidance, and tools.
We do, however, provide:
Lenovo is dedicated to diversity and believes in providing equal opportunity for all suppliers while developing and advocating a diversified supplier base. We seek to provide the maximum practical opportunities for diverse suppliers to provide goods and services while also creating a sustainable, mutually beneficial relationship.
To that end, Lenovo is committed to maximizing the inclusion of Minority-, Women-, Veteran-, Service Disabled Veteran-, Disabled-, and Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) - owned businesses, as well as businesses located in Historically Underutilized Business Zones (HUBZones) and Small Businesses within our procurement activities.
For more information, please visit our Supplier Diversity webpage.
Each year, we ask our suppliers to report their environmental impact data (GHG emissions, water usage, waste generation, renewable energy) formally via the RBA or the CDP (formerly Carbon Disclosure Project).
Lenovo’s standard purchase contract and purchase order terms and conditions stipulate supplier’s compliance with environmental specifications, hazardous material avoidance, ozone-depleting substance elimination, product safety, personal data privacy, liability insurance, and full compliance with all applicable laws, including export and import and product safety. Suppliers must also implement and certify the documented quality and environmental management systems.
Additionally, suppliers must comply with the Supplier Code of Conduct. There are multiple code elements under Supplier Code of Conduct and the element of Non-Discrimination and Non-Retaliation require that suppliers cannot discriminate against employees based on race, color, gender, religion, age, nationality, social or ethnic origin, or any other legally protected class. Any deviation to the terms requires approval from our Legal Department, and specific high-risk terms require additional senior procurement and business unit management approvals.
Finally, compliance with our comprehensive Supplier Code of Conduct could be executed either in separate and unique Supplier Code of Conduct Agreement, standard purchase agreements or standard purchase orders.
Our procurement team identifies areas of overall environmental risk based on specific criteria and then takes action to ensure that any risk is mitigated. Suppliers are classified by the following risk categories:
From whom Lenovo purchases off-the-shelf goods or uses processes or services produced or offered commercially that are consistent with the supplier’s normal business activities. In other words, Lenovo does not increase environmental impact due to any special requirements. Most of our suppliers are in this category.
Those contracted by Lenovo to handle materials or processes that are outside of their usual business activities. In these cases, a comprehensive and focused environmental audit may be required. These suppliers are few and receive environmental audits via RBA program audits.
Those who handle hazardous or special waste or provide product end-of-life management services. In these cases, approval of the Corporate Environmental Compliance organization and on-site environmental audits are required. These suppliers are subject to additional contractual terms and conditions and semiannual activity reporting.
In 2019/20, all the required audits for Category 1 and 2 suppliers were conducted on time and as required, with no events of noncompliance noted. For Category 3 suppliers, supplier classification and audit status are verified quarterly.
Lenovo recognizes the importance of responsible sourcing of minerals, such as tin, tantalum, tungsten and gold (known as 3TG). Sourced from regions experiencing political and social conflict, for example, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and surrounding countries, these materials are generally referred to as "conflict minerals" because they can serve to prolong the conflicts.
While some companies have engaged in boycotting minerals from the DRC and other areas, we feel that this does not improve the situation on the ground. Rather than boycotts, Lenovo believes in responsible sourcing. That is why we fully support the efforts of the RBA and governmental and nongovernmental bodies to help companies make more informed choices about sustainable mineral sourcing in their supply chains.
Since 2012, we have been direct participants in the RBA’s Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI) programs. More recently, we commenced a formal Cobalt due diligence effort that uses the RMI Cobalt Reporting Template (CRT) within our supply chain. This has enhanced our understanding of the chain of cobalt custody, as well as identifying smelters, which has led to the introduction of our new Cobalt mineral policy.
We also have a due diligence program in place to better understand conflict minerals in our supply chain. This program complies with the requirements of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s Dodd-Frank ruling and the OECD guidance. The main components of this program include:
Overall conflict-free status improved to 97% from 89%.
Tantalum maintained 100% conflict-free status.
Tin improved to 98% from 95% conflict-free status.
Tungsten improved to 96% from 92% conflict-free status.
Gold improved to 95% from 82% conflict-free status.
Full details and statistics on our reasonable country of origin inquiry, due diligence, and smelters can be found in our most recent Conflict Minerals Update report
For more information, please visit the Lenovo Responsible Sourcing webpage.
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