Lenovo Sustainability
Our employees are our most valuable strategic resource. In order for them to be able to contribute fully to the success of our business, they need a workplace that’s inclusive, safe, and comfortable. And an employer that nurtures, recognizes, and rewards talent. We achieve this thorough our:
- Culture and Values
- Labor Practices and Human Rights Policy
- Diversity and Inclusiveness
- Compensation, Performance, and Recognition Schemes
- Employee Benefits
- Training and Development
- Open Communication
Our Culture and Values
Our culture plays a critical part in keeping the customer at the center of everything we do. It’s what unites us and gives us a shared sense of commitment, ownership, and pioneering. It’s why we do what we say and own what we do.
It’s also what has enabled us to raise the bar on delivering breakthrough innovations, award-winning designs, and strong financial performance. That’s why we are proud to say: We are Lenovo.
Our Labor Practices and Human Rights Policy
Since 2009, Lenovo has been a signatory and active participant in the U.N. Global Compact. This is a public-private strategic policy initiative for businesses committed to aligning operations and strategies with 10 universally accepted principles of labor, human rights, the environment, and anti-corruption.
As a signatory, we support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights in all that we do. We also operate in accordance with the International Labor Organization (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. And we extend those rights to all our employees and business partners.
In addition, we perform due diligence across the value chain to identify risks and avoid complicity in human rights violations. We also incorporate training and accountability in this area across the entire business, while engaging internal and external stakeholders to address common challenges and advance human rights practices.
To learn how Lenovo protects human rights in its supply chain, please click here.
Diversity and Inclusion
At Lenovo, we believe in treating everyone with respect and dignity—regardless of race, color, religion, sexual orientation, or any other characteristic.
This is something that you will find echoed in our Employee Code of Conduct, which defines the way we conduct ourselves, and through the findings and recommendations of our Office of Diversity & Inclusion, which looks at ways to support a more diverse, inclusive Lenovo.
Others are also recognizing our efforts to support diversity and inclusion.
In 2017/18, we were among the 100 Best Companies for Working Mothers. And in 2018, the Human Rights Campaign Foundation’s Corporate Equality Index, which measures inclusive policies, practices, and procedures for LGBTQ employees, gave us a perfect score.
These values are fundamental to who we are as a company and the products we make. So much so, that they’ve become part of our brand promise, different is better.
For more information, click here.
Compensation, Performance, and Recognition
For starters, we offer very competitive compensation programs, which include a mix of:
- Base pay—reflects the value of the job in the marketplace, plus performance and the value of an individual’s contribution
- Short-term incentive plans (including sales compensation)—rewards employees on overall corporate, business group, or team performance, while recognizing individual performance, too
- Long-term incentive plans—targets executives, critical non-executives, top performers, and high-potential employees
Then there’s our 3x3 performance management program. With three defined business stages and three core-business synergy levels, it can support the business at different lifecycle stages. It also taps nicely into the We are Lenovo company spirit, which focuses on delivering on our commitments and taking ownership in everything we do.
For us, exceptional employee performance drives exceptional business performance, which results in better pay for individuals. With everyone’s ‘Key Performance Indicators’ aligned to the business strategy, all our employees set their goals for the year. They are then evaluated on their performance, receive feedback on their development needs, and, where eligible, receive a performance bonus.
We also appreciate the value of reward and recognition, and encourage every business unit leader to develop supplemental programs to recognize team and individual contributions. Recently, we launched a worldwide platform to connect all of these different programs. Called Lenovo Rewards, it lets employees across teams, regions, and functions easily send recognition to peers anywhere in the world and receive recognition in return, too.
Another key part to recognition is being able to retain the very best. To this end, we have a number of strategies in place, including:
- Analyzing a global employee engagement survey, Lenovo Listens, to help identify retention opportunities
- Leveraging compensation programs, such as long-term incentive stock-based awards and recognition
- Ensuring pay (both base and incentive) is differentiated, so top performers are paid on par with peers in the marketplace
Employee Benefits
To ensure we can attract and retain high-quality talent, we offer a variety of benefits for employees and their families. Our benefits packages follow these strategic guidelines:
- Position Lenovo competitively within the local marketplace
- Align with and support Lenovo business and cultural strategy
- Emphasize Lenovo’s commitment to wellness
- Adhere to varying customs, practices, and legal requirements
- Meet employee expectations around the world
Health and Wellness Benefits
Around the world, we offer private health benefits such as medical, dental, and vision care to supplement government-provided healthcare. These schemes often permit employees to provide coverage for dependents, including spouses, children, and other family members. We also offer a variety of wellness programs, including fitness facility discounts, employee assistance, health coaching, stress and lifestyle management, and medical consulting and health screening services.
Income Protection
In the event an employee cannot work due to illness or injury, Lenovo provides income protection in many countries. These benefits may take the form of salary continuation for a period of time and generally supplement government provided benefits. For longer periods of illness or injury, Lenovo commonly provides additional disability benefits.
Retirement or Post-Employment Savings
To supplement the income of employees and survivors after retirement or separation from Lenovo, we offer a variety of savings programs. These programs may be mandatory or voluntary depending on legal and marketplace considerations. Often there is an employee and employer contribution component, with the latter signifying Lenovo’s willingness to make a current investment to provide future security for employees and their families.
We continually review and improve our benefits to ensure that they are competitive and meet the needs of our employees.
Training & Development
When it comes to nurturing talent, Lenovo has a robust, systematic approach in place. Straddling employee, manager, and executive development, it enhances the capabilities of our people and organization. Everyone’s learning is maximized in three primary ways:
On-the-job experience
Learning while doing. This accounts for 70% of our employees’ learning
Colleague relationships
Learning through the guidance and advice of mentors, guides, coaches, and managers. This accounts for 20% of our employees’ learning
Learning key principles and skills formally in the classroom or using online training accounts for the remaining 10%
Formal training includes employee and leadership education programs, people planning and international rotations, Women in Lenovo Leadership Forums, mentoring circles, executive coaching, and a variety of additional assessment and development tools. There are also regular mandatory online courses for Code of Conduct, Information Security, and Privacy Basics, plus ongoing training on culture, compliance, and performance management.
Grow@Lenovo is the company’s learning management system. It hosts almost 3,000 different online and instructor-led courses, combining internally developed training and off-the-shelf eLearning. Topics vary from business and professional skills to leadership videos and IT desktop courses. And all the content has been curated to help everyone find what they need faster.
In addition, we have a succession planning process in place. This ensures that we have the right structure to deliver on our strategy; identify the talent needed now and in the future; invest in attracting, retaining, and developing top talent; and continue raising the bar on internal and external talent.
Employee Communications
Lenovo actively fosters open communication among and between employees, managers, and senior executives. We do this in a number of ways, including:
“All Hands” Meetings
To help keep everyone in the loop, ’All Hands’ meetings for each business unit and function are held, typically on a quarterly basis. Employees attend in person when possible, with remote participation enabled through web streams and conference calls. They enable employees to ask questions, interact with each other and senior leaders, and hear the latest about the company.
“Lenovo Listens” Employee Engagement Survey
Through Lenovo Listens, Lenovo gains insight on how its employees view their jobs, management, teams, rewards, and the company as a whole. This annual worldwide survey is an important measure of employees’ pride, motivation, and commitment.
The results of the survey are analyzed and steps taken to address any areas of concern. In addition, post-survey focus groups are conducted to better understand employee engagement and drive action planning at the management and corporate level.