Lenovo HPC-oplossingen | Wereldwijd de grootste en beste leverancier van supercomputers

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High Performance Computing (HPC)

High-Performance Computing (HPC)

Wat uw ambities of uitdagingen ook zijn, Lenovo helpt u de kracht van supercomputing te benutten om succesvol deze uitdagingen aan te kunnen gaan.


De grootste uitdagingen van de mensheid oplossen met de kracht van HPC

Doorbraken in computingsystemen hebben het mogelijk gemaakt om immense obstakels in simulatieomgevingen aan te pakken. Als gevolg hiervan gaat ons begrip van de wereld en het universum exponentieel vooruit.

Supercomputers worden overal gebruikt, van auto- en vliegtuigontwerp, de exploratie van olievelden en financiële risicobeoordeling tot genoomkartering en weersvoorspellingen. Volgens TOP500.org is Lenovo de grootste leverancier van supercomputers ter wereld, waaronder enkele van de meest geavanceerde supercomputers die ooit zijn gebouwd. Met toonaangevende technologie en wereldwijde HPC-architecten en -experts hanteren we een klantgerichte benadering om de HPC-oplossingen aan te kunnen bieden die het beste voldoen aan uw bedrijfswensen.

De meest betrouwbare datacenterprovider:

  • Beoordeeld met de hoogste betrouwbaarheid voor x86 en de beste in performancebenchmarks
  • s Werelds allerbeste leverancier van supercomputers volgens TOP500.org
  • De nummer 1 voor het creëren van 's werelds meest energiezuinige supercomputer volgens Green500 (in 2023)
  • Bekroonde HPC-oplossingen, waaronder meerdere HPCWire Awards


Waarom kiezen voor Lenovo HPC?

We gaan naar de locatie waar uw organisatie zich bevindt en werken samen met uw team om precies dat te bieden wat u nodig hebt om uw doelen te overtreffen.

Klantgerichte benadering

Onze HPC-oplossingen zijn afgestemd op uw specifieke bedrijfswensen. Met Lenovo Everyscale (voorheen LeSI) kunnen wij aangepaste rackoplossingen leveren.

Van Exascale tot Everyscale™

Als wereldleider in High-Performance Computing werkt Lenovo nauw samen met belangrijke toonaangevende partners om de technologieën van exascale-computing te ontwikkelen, integreren en implementeren voor organisaties van elke omvang.

Leider in de duurzame computingindustrie

Onze holistische benadering van energiezuinigheid omvat hardware, software en infrastructuur. Met onze processen kunt u tot 40% aan energie besparen in vergelijking met een traditioneel luchtgekoeld datacenter.

Omica en bioinformatica

Onze omica- en bioinformatica-oplossingen stellen onderzoekers in staat meer monsters te analyseren, meer genomen samen te stellen en meer analyses op populatieniveau uit te voeren.

Productie en de automobielindustrie

Lenovo zorgt voor een nieuw tijdperk van fabrikanten van elke omvang die krachtige inzichten uit hun gegevens kunnen halen met behulp van HPC-technologieën en innovatie.


Lenovo HPC-systemen hebben geholpen bij de ontwikkeling van complexe fysieke parameters in weer- en klimaatmodellen.


Aanvullende HPC-klantsuccesverhalen


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Exploring Innovation: Lenovo's Advanced High-Performance Computing (HPC) Solutions

In the ever-evolving tech landscape, high performance computing (HPC) drives innovation in various sectors, enhancing efficiency and solving complex challenges. Lenovo, with its relentless dedication to innovation, has crafted a suite of HPC solutions that are not merely keeping pace with but are driving the momentum of this digital revolution. Let's dive into the many perks of boosting performance with Lenovo's HPC offerings

Understanding High Performance Computing (HPC)

Before exploring Lenovo's HPC solutions, let's grasp the essence of what is HPC.

What is High Performance Computing?

HPC leverages clusters of powerful processors operating in parallel to process massive multi-dimensional datasets, commonly referred to as big data, and tackle complex problems at extraordinary speeds. These HPC systems consist of interconnected computing nodes, each equipped with high-performance processors optimized for parallel processing tasks.

Understanding what HPC is lays the foundation for optimizing its capabilities in various fields. By harnessing parallel processing and advanced hardware capabilities, HPC systems achieve remarkable speeds in processing and analyzing data, facilitating faster insights and decision-making processes.

Lenovo High-Performance Computing (HPC): The Pinnacle of Power

At the forefront of cutting-edge computing, Lenovo's HPC suite stands tall. It's not just a product lineup; it's a revolution in processing speed and precision.

ThinkSystem Lineup

The Lenovo ThinkSystem portfolio comprises a diverse range of hardware solutions tailored for HPC. From servers to storage and networking devices, the ThinkSystem lineup is optimized for resilience, scalability, and adaptability to meet the rigorous demands of HPC workloads. Lenovo's ThinkSystem stands out as a leading choice for organizations seeking superior HPC capabilities.

Data Mastery: Lenovo HPC Storage Solutions

Redefine what it means to handle vast constellations of data with Lenovo HPC storage solutions. Nimble yet robust, these solutions make managing expansive datasets look effortless, delivering performance that's nothing short of stellar.

Lenovo Intelligent Computing Orchestration (LiCO):

LiCO is an innovative software platform designed to streamline and optimize the deployment and management of HPC clusters. Its user-friendly interface simplifies customer interaction with compute resources by leveraging open-source cluster tools for HPC and AI more efficiently.

This orchestration tool is not your average HPC software stack — it's a finely tuned instrument that harmonizes the complexity of managing HPC and AI workloads, ensuring peak efficiency.

Beyond Hardware: Lenovo's Strategic HPC Alliances

We're in the business of challenging tomorrow, not just assembling hardware. Our HPC solutions are born from open standards and futuristic architecture — they're not just products but partnerships. We work closely with key industry-leading partners to develop, integrate, and deploy the technologies of exascale-level computing to organizations of all sizes.

Tailored High-Performance Computing Services

Lenovo goes beyond hardware to offer a suite of HPC services designed to amplify your operational prowess, including high-performance computing advisory services, peak performance tuning, and steadfast support and maintenance. We simplify the decision-making process, with services for every stage of your journey and pre-defined scopes that nail your requirements. Lenovo Infrastructure Support Services will ensure you're ready for the toughest challenges that lie ahead. It's not just about powering machines — it's about empowering legacies.

TruScale Infrastructure Services

TruScale - the ultimate as-a-service, cloud-like experience that combines on-prem security and control with easy scalability. Say goodbye to traditional, fixed-cost hardware purchases and hello to a pay-as-you-go model that gives you access to the latest data center technology without breaking the bank.

Professional Services

At Lenovo, we know a successful digital transformation needs thorough planning and execution. That's why we provide professional services to guide you from your current state to your desired future. With expertise in architecture management, data migration, and system deployment, our team accelerates your productivity and maximizes ROI.

Support Services

With Lenovo's support services, rest assured we're just a call away to assist with any technical issues. We provide Premier Support warranty upgrades and extensions for seamless support. For complex problems, our Technical Account Managers offer expert help as your single point of contact for all infrastructure needs.

Managed Services

Managing and maintaining your IT infrastructure can be overwhelming and time-consuming. That's where Lenovo Managed Services comes in - we take the burden off your shoulders so you can focus on what truly matters. Our tailored services allow you to control and predict costs, improve system availability and capacity, all while reducing operating expenses.

HPC as a Service: Demystifying Scalability and Accessibility

Cloud services have revolutionized the accessibility of HPC, and Lenovo is at the forefront, offering HPC as a service.

HPC and Cloud Computing:

Lenovo’s HPC solutions find a natural ally with cloud computing, enabling organizations to procure on-demand, scalable computing resources across the internet. Cloud HPC enhances accessibility for small & medium businesses, granting access to powerful computing resources once limited to large corporations.

HPC and AI:

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and HPC are on a symbiotic trajectory. The intricate AI algorithms and datasets require the computational power and data management skills that HPC excels in. As pioneers in both domains, Lenovo's HPC AI solutions are positioned to lead this convergence.

Why is HPC Important?

HPC is the unsung hero of modern industry. Behind groundbreaking research, life-saving medical advancements, and streamlined technological operations, lies the robust computing infrastructure that HPC provides.  Consider HPC applications such as weather prediction, space exploration, oil and gas prospecting, and pharmaceutical research. Each of these fields relies on the rapid calculation of vast amounts of data to make decisions that have far-reaching impacts.

How Does High Performance Computing (HPC) Work?

HPC leverages parallel processing to crunch data with the might of thousands of processors working in concert. It operates on the principles of distributing workloads across multiple nodes, connecting through high-speed interconnects, to solve complex problems rapidly. This mammoth processing capability is akin to having a legion of cybernetic brains sync up to tackle the colossal task at hand.

The Benefits of High-Performance Computing:

High performance computing (HPC) is crucial for businesses seeking a competitive edge in the digital world. HPC computing notably cuts processing time, completing tasks in hours or minutes instead of days. It handles massive data, enabling breakthroughs in finance, healthcare, and research. HPC also trims costs by avoiding manual processing expenses. Most importantly, it fosters innovation, turning data into insights swiftly. Implement HPC to boost your business in today's market.

HPC Applications in High-Demand Industries

HPC in Media and Entertainment: This industry is transforming with high-performance computing, enabling rapid processing of digital content and AI-driven personalization.  Lenovo's HPC solutions are helping creative artists and entertainment companies push the envelope with immersive experiences that captivate audiences.

HPC in Healthcare: In medicine, HPC is instrumental in modeling diseases, genomic research, and personalized treatment paths. The precision and real-time data analytics powered by Lenovo's HPC solutions contribute to life-saving diagnoses and treatments.

HPC in Manufacturing: In manufacturing, HPC optimizes supply chains, refines product design, and adds a layer of predictability that streamlines operations. Lenovo's HPC solutions are the scaffolding for manufacturers looking to lead in a dynamic industry.

HPC in Financial Services: Market analysis, risk assessment, and algorithmic trading — the foundation stones of the financial sector — lean heavily on HPC. Lenovo's HPC solutions crunch numbers at a pace that's not just advantageous, but necessary to keep abreast of the financial flux.

HPC in Government and Defense: From cybersecurity initiatives to defense strategies, HPC plays a crucial role in ensuring national security and governance. Lenovo's solutions bolster these critical sectors, offering the ability to process, analyze, and secure data on a scale that's commensurate with the responsibilities at hand.

Why choose Lenovo as your HPC provider?

Lenovo is the ideal partner for businesses looking for reliable and high-performing HPC solutions. Our expertise and innovative technologies ensure tailored solutions for optimal performance. Customer satisfaction is our priority, and we offer personalized support that exceeds expectations. Lenovo's commitment to excellence ensures your HPC infrastructure meets and surpasses business goals.

Let us help you achieve your goals and create a legacy that will stand the test of time with our unparalleled expertise, innovative HPC technologies, and unwavering commitment to customer satisfaction.

Welcome to Lenovo HPC - where power, precision, and potential meet. Let's reach new heights together.

Exploring Innovation: Lenovo's Advanced High-Performance Computing (HPC) Solutions

In the ever-evolving tech landscape, high performance computing (HPC) drives innovation in various sectors, enhancing efficiency and solving complex challenges. Lenovo, with its relentless dedication to innovation, has crafted a suite of HPC solutions that are not merely keeping pace with but are driving the momentum of this digital revolution. Let's dive into the many perks of boosting performance with Lenovo's HPC offerings

Understanding High Performance Computing (HPC)

Before exploring Lenovo's HPC solutions, let's grasp the essence of what is HPC.

What is High Performance Computing?

HPC leverages clusters of powerful processors operating in parallel to process massive multi-dimensional datasets, commonly referred to as big data, and tackle complex problems at extraordinary speeds. These HPC systems consist of interconnected computing nodes, each equipped with high-performance processors optimized for parallel processing tasks.

Understanding what HPC is lays the foundation for optimizing its capabilities in various fields. By harnessing parallel processing and advanced hardware capabilities, HPC systems achieve remarkable speeds in processing and analyzing data, facilitating faster insights and decision-making processes.

Lenovo High-Performance Computing (HPC): The Pinnacle of Power

At the forefront of cutting-edge computing, Lenovo's HPC suite stands tall. It's not just a product lineup; it's a revolution in processing speed and precision.

ThinkSystem Lineup

The Lenovo ThinkSystem portfolio comprises a diverse range of hardware solutions tailored for HPC. From servers to storage and networking devices, the ThinkSystem lineup is optimized for resilience, scalability, and adaptability to meet the rigorous demands of HPC workloads. Lenovo's ThinkSystem stands out as a leading choice for organizations seeking superior HPC capabilities.

Data Mastery: Lenovo HPC Storage Solutions

Redefine what it means to handle vast constellations of data with Lenovo HPC storage solutions. Nimble yet robust, these solutions make managing expansive datasets look effortless, delivering performance that's nothing short of stellar.

Lenovo Intelligent Computing Orchestration (LiCO):

LiCO is an innovative software platform designed to streamline and optimize the deployment and management of HPC clusters. Its user-friendly interface simplifies customer interaction with compute resources by leveraging open-source cluster tools for HPC and AI more efficiently.

This orchestration tool is not your average HPC software stack — it's a finely tuned instrument that harmonizes the complexity of managing HPC and AI workloads, ensuring peak efficiency.

Beyond Hardware: Lenovo's Strategic HPC Alliances

We're in the business of challenging tomorrow, not just assembling hardware. Our HPC solutions are born from open standards and futuristic architecture — they're not just products but partnerships. We work closely with key industry-leading partners to develop, integrate, and deploy the technologies of exascale-level computing to organizations of all sizes.

Tailored High-Performance Computing Services

Lenovo goes beyond hardware to offer a suite of HPC services designed to amplify your operational prowess, including high-performance computing advisory services, peak performance tuning, and steadfast support and maintenance. We simplify the decision-making process, with services for every stage of your journey and pre-defined scopes that nail your requirements. Lenovo Infrastructure Support Services will ensure you're ready for the toughest challenges that lie ahead. It's not just about powering machines — it's about empowering legacies.

TruScale Infrastructure Services

TruScale - the ultimate as-a-service, cloud-like experience that combines on-prem security and control with easy scalability. Say goodbye to traditional, fixed-cost hardware purchases and hello to a pay-as-you-go model that gives you access to the latest data center technology without breaking the bank.

Professional Services

At Lenovo, we know a successful digital transformation needs thorough planning and execution. That's why we provide professional services to guide you from your current state to your desired future. With expertise in architecture management, data migration, and system deployment, our team accelerates your productivity and maximizes ROI.

Support Services

With Lenovo's support services, rest assured we're just a call away to assist with any technical issues. We provide Premier Support warranty upgrades and extensions for seamless support. For complex problems, our Technical Account Managers offer expert help as your single point of contact for all infrastructure needs.

Managed Services

Managing and maintaining your IT infrastructure can be overwhelming and time-consuming. That's where Lenovo Managed Services comes in - we take the burden off your shoulders so you can focus on what truly matters. Our tailored services allow you to control and predict costs, improve system availability and capacity, all while reducing operating expenses.

HPC as a Service: Demystifying Scalability and Accessibility

Cloud services have revolutionized the accessibility of HPC, and Lenovo is at the forefront, offering HPC as a service.

HPC and Cloud Computing:

Lenovo’s HPC solutions find a natural ally with cloud computing, enabling organizations to procure on-demand, scalable computing resources across the internet. Cloud HPC enhances accessibility for small & medium businesses, granting access to powerful computing resources once limited to large corporations.

HPC and AI:

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and HPC are on a symbiotic trajectory. The intricate AI algorithms and datasets require the computational power and data management skills that HPC excels in. As pioneers in both domains, Lenovo's HPC AI solutions are positioned to lead this convergence.

Why is HPC Important?

HPC is the unsung hero of modern industry. Behind groundbreaking research, life-saving medical advancements, and streamlined technological operations, lies the robust computing infrastructure that HPC provides.  Consider HPC applications such as weather prediction, space exploration, oil and gas prospecting, and pharmaceutical research. Each of these fields relies on the rapid calculation of vast amounts of data to make decisions that have far-reaching impacts.

How Does High Performance Computing (HPC) Work?

HPC leverages parallel processing to crunch data with the might of thousands of processors working in concert. It operates on the principles of distributing workloads across multiple nodes, connecting through high-speed interconnects, to solve complex problems rapidly. This mammoth processing capability is akin to having a legion of cybernetic brains sync up to tackle the colossal task at hand.

The Benefits of High-Performance Computing:

High performance computing (HPC) is crucial for businesses seeking a competitive edge in the digital world. HPC computing notably cuts processing time, completing tasks in hours or minutes instead of days. It handles massive data, enabling breakthroughs in finance, healthcare, and research. HPC also trims costs by avoiding manual processing expenses. Most importantly, it fosters innovation, turning data into insights swiftly. Implement HPC to boost your business in today's market.

HPC Applications in High-Demand Industries

HPC in Media and Entertainment: This industry is transforming with high-performance computing, enabling rapid processing of digital content and AI-driven personalization.  Lenovo's HPC solutions are helping creative artists and entertainment companies push the envelope with immersive experiences that captivate audiences.

HPC in Healthcare: In medicine, HPC is instrumental in modeling diseases, genomic research, and personalized treatment paths. The precision and real-time data analytics powered by Lenovo's HPC solutions contribute to life-saving diagnoses and treatments.

HPC in Manufacturing: In manufacturing, HPC optimizes supply chains, refines product design, and adds a layer of predictability that streamlines operations. Lenovo's HPC solutions are the scaffolding for manufacturers looking to lead in a dynamic industry.

HPC in Financial Services: Market analysis, risk assessment, and algorithmic trading — the foundation stones of the financial sector — lean heavily on HPC. Lenovo's HPC solutions crunch numbers at a pace that's not just advantageous, but necessary to keep abreast of the financial flux.

HPC in Government and Defense: From cybersecurity initiatives to defense strategies, HPC plays a crucial role in ensuring national security and governance. Lenovo's solutions bolster these critical sectors, offering the ability to process, analyze, and secure data on a scale that's commensurate with the responsibilities at hand.

Why choose Lenovo as your HPC provider?

Lenovo is the ideal partner for businesses looking for reliable and high-performing HPC solutions. Our expertise and innovative technologies ensure tailored solutions for optimal performance. Customer satisfaction is our priority, and we offer personalized support that exceeds expectations. Lenovo's commitment to excellence ensures your HPC infrastructure meets and surpasses business goals.

Let us help you achieve your goals and create a legacy that will stand the test of time with our unparalleled expertise, innovative HPC technologies, and unwavering commitment to customer satisfaction.

Welcome to Lenovo HPC - where power, precision, and potential meet. Let's reach new heights together.

Frequently Asked Questions on High Performance Computing 

An HPC (High-Performance Computing) system typically consists of high-speed processors, large memory and storage capabilities, high-bandwidth interconnects, and specialized software to support parallel processing. Understanding HPC architecture is crucial for maximizing computing efficiency.

 HPC systems are designed to handle large and complex calculations, making them ideal for scientific simulations, data analysis, weather forecasting, and other computationally intensive tasks.

There are various HPC products available, including supercomputers, clusters, cloud-based solutions, and workstations. Each type has its own unique capabilities and uses.

High-performance computing is used in a wide range of fields, including scientific research, engineering, finance, healthcare, and entertainment. It enables advanced simulations and data analysis that would not be possible with traditional computing systems.

Industries such as aerospace, automotive, energy, pharmaceuticals, and government agencies heavily rely on high-performance computing for their complex simulations and data analysis needs. 

An HPC Cluster is a group of interconnected computers working together to perform intensive computational tasks. It utilizes parallel processing to distribute work among the nodes, resulting in faster processing speeds and increased performance. Overall, HPC Clusters are a cost-effective solution for organizations that require high-performance computing capabilities.

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