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• Henkilökohtainen asiamies
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Elite-tason edut
• Henkilökohtainen asiamies
Jälleenmyyjän edut
• Pääsy Lenovon koko tuotevalikoimaan
• Tee määritykset, niin voit ostaa halvemmalla kuin Lenovo.com-palvelusta
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Infrastructure Services

Simplify your IT transformation and accelerate business growth

In a world where change happens overnight, Lenovo Infrastructure Services helps meet your most challenging business needs. Turn possibilities into a plan for success, with fast, secure data solutions that give you the right mix of functionality and flexibility throughout the entire IT lifecycle.


From the Edge to the Data Center

Lenovo Infrastructure Services delivers end-to-end infrastructure lifecycle services. We begin by learning about your business challenges and objectives, before mapping out desired outcomes. Then,we design the best solution for your needs, backed by our worldwide support to ensure you're ready for whatever comes your way.


Global reach and decades of experience

Unique solutions tailored for your business

A secure supply chain that we own from start to finish

Premier support with a single point of contact and guaranteed service                            levels

Ultimate flexibility with Lenovo TruScale Pay-as-You-Go


Servers in a data center with an overlay of graphs and binary

TruScale Infrastructure Services

Leverage real-time monitoring, 24x7 incident response, and problem resolution, all through a single point of contact. Quarterly health checks ensure ongoing optimization and business innovation. Lenovo provides remote active monitoring of hardware in the customer’s data center, enabling ongoing performance and productivity.
Silhouettes of people walking down a metro station tunnel

AI Services

Get from an idea to a pre-production AI solution in just weeks. Optimized for NVIDIA AI Enterprise and leveraging accelerators like NVIDIA NIMs, Lenovo AI Fast Start for Enterprise accelerates use case development and platform readiness for AI deployment at scale.
A woman resting her chin on her fist

Support Services

Ensure peak IT performance with a single point of contact for all your data center support needs. Benefit from end-to-end case management, scalable SLAs, tailored warranties, and 24x7 technical support with global engineering coverage.
A man with a tablet examining robotics in a laboratory

Managed Services

Lenovo Managed Services supports your team with actively monitored, optimized environments that enhance performance, improve the end-user experience and simplify operations. With a trusted partner and a scalable suite of flexible options to manage your technologies and vendors, your IT team can prioritize strategic imperatives and building the digital workforce of tomorrow.

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