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TruScale Infrastructure Services

TruScale Infrastructure Services

Enhance your ability to scale your IT hardware, software and support capabilities as your rapidly changing infrastructure needs evolve.


The as-a-service, cloud-like experience with on-prem security and control

Lenovo TruScale Infrastructure Services gives you all the power and strategic advantage of the latest data center hardware through a pay-as-you-go business model. Easily scale without incremental capital investments and focus more on your bigger picture thanks to included 24/7 proactive monitoring, management, and services.



Right-sized, all the time

Enjoy the advantages of on-premises data center hardware and services through a pay-as-you-go model

Quickly provision new capability

Easily scale without incremental capital investments, keeping you ready for peak business performance and growth

Stay ahead of change

Get the latest Lenovo Hardware that meets your evolving needs and enjoy faster refresh cycles

Security you control

Get the peace of mind and the benefit of physical on-premises security, capacity control, and protection of your data



Keep business running with a mobile workforce

Remote work is now simple, secure and more reliable for your users. Lenovo TruScale for Hosted Desktops with Nutanix gives your employees a responsive remote desktop to work anywhere. Fully tested across applications, software, hardware and services, our solutions help streamline IT administration and simplify implementation.

Empowering the intelligent enterprise

Get on the path to cloud readiness with a secure and privately managed service that accelerates your growth through the latest innovation. Through our partnership with SAP, the customer data center option with Lenovo TruScale offers all the benefits of an operating expense business model, elastic computing, and white-glove managed services delivered in one single operation.


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More about TruScale Infrastructure Services


TruScale: Unpacking the benefits of a pay-as-you-go data center

Minimal up-front costs, on-premises security & control, full maintenance, support, and management? Lenovo TruScale does that and more. Paying only for what you use offers the flexibility and scalability your Data Center (and bottom line) need. Watch now and be ready for your business future.


How Lenovo TruScale metering data drives system improvements

Explore Lenovo TruScale technology and the design methodology behind the architecture. You’ll see how the utilization and metering technology work through real-life data sets and learn how Lenovo’s methodology and use-cases can benefit your business.
Lenovo TruScale for SAP S/4HANA


Lenovo TruScale for SAP S/4HANA Cloud, private edition, customer data center option

See how Lenovo’s partnership with SAP is opening new opportunities of flexibility and data center innovation through simple, seamless and scalable architecture.
Lenovo TruScale for hosted desktops with Nutanix


Lenovo TruScale for Hosted Desktops with Nutanix

Bring a new level of usability, reliability and simplicity to your remote work with the flexible, secure power of Lenovo TruScale.

Planning your next IT project?

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