Lenovo Cloud Service Provider

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Rekisteröidy ja osta Lenovo Prossa
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Pro-tason edut
• Henkilökohtainen asiamies
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Plus-tason edut
• Henkilökohtainen asiamies
• Plus-taso saatavilla yli 10 000 €/vuosi kulutukselle.
Elite-tason edut
• Henkilökohtainen asiamies
Jälleenmyyjän edut
• Pääsy Lenovon koko tuotevalikoimaan
• Tee määritykset, niin voit ostaa halvemmalla kuin Lenovo.com-palvelusta
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Servers Storage > Solutions > Cloud Service Provider

Meet your business goals now with our cloud service provider experts

We understand the difference between CSP users and enterprise customers. As a strategic partner you can trust to deliver value for your CSP needs, we offer rapid innovation, quality products, aggressive pricing, quick delivery, unique time-to-bid cycles, and flexible service and support.

Lenovo infrastructure powers 8 of the world’s top 10 Public Cloud Providers

Lenovo ranks 10th in the Gartner® Supply Chain Top 25 for 2024

Lenovo delivers large scale integrated racks in 180 countries

Lenovo leads the industry with 12+ Years of Liquid Cooling Experience

Consultative Approach

Our expert cloud service teams will work with you to develop the optimal data center solution using a customizable and consultative procurement model.

Diverse Manufacturing Footprint

The ever-expanding Lenovo-owned manufacturing facilities enable fast, affordable worldwide customization and delivery.

Ongoing Support

Our "rack-and-roll" feature, combined with dedicated customer support, guarantees smooth deployment and ongoing operation.


Unlike OEMs and ODMs, we offer ODM+, an all-in-one solution that cuts TCO and delivers customized top configurations at competitive prices.

Close Collaboration

Lenovo CSP architects offer proof-of-concept testing in your environment, while Lenovo's engineers manage in-house design, testing and validation.

Integrated Supply Chain

Our supply chain excels in meeting strict security and quality service standards, achieving everything in-house and delivering cost savings and top-quality outcomes.

Drive Accelerated Performance & Power Efficiency with Neptune® Liquid Cooling

AI and HPC are enabling breakthroughs in a wide variety of industries. Yet, as this technology progresses, virtually every component of a server—CPUs, memory, accelerators, networking, etc.—is consuming two to four times the power that similar components did a decade ago.  

By 2030, data center power and water usage are expected to double, prompting cloud service providers (CSPs) and colocation facilities to prioritize Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE) as a key metric. Liquid Cooling is emerging as a key enabler of the highest performing AI and HPC workloads.


Ducati Corse Boosts HPC Capabilities with Cloud Bursting 

Meeting peak performance demands via a Lenovo Cloud Solution Provider agreement empowers Ducati Corse engineers to crunch more data at peak times.


StackPath Brings the Cloud Closer to Users 

Enabling customers with latency-sensitive workloads to host their applications at the edge, supported by Lenovo.


Cloudflare & Lenovo Collaborate on Next-gen Servers

Introducing the Project Argus Datacenter-ready Secure Control Module design specification.


Thriving in the Cloud with Expedient

Expedient has found reliability and agility with Lenovo ThinkAgile HX series. Helping its cloud services business soar to new heights.


High-Performance Imaginations

How DreamWorks Animation is bringing bigger, bolder ideas to life with Lenovo Neptune® high-performance computing solutions.


Building Customizable Server Solutions

How Hetzner Online GmbH uses Lenovo ThinkSystem servers with AMD EPYC™ processors.


Revolutionizing Colocation

GIGA Data Centers is revolutionizing the colocation market with a new modular data center infrastructure built to support Lenovo ThinkAgile servers.