Where can I register my new Lenovo product?

If you have a Lenovo.com account, simply login and choose Register a New Product.

If you don't have a Lenovo.com account, please visit Product Registration.

How can I check the status of my warranty?

We have a Warranty Status Lookup tool that will answer this question. You'll need to enter your product Serial Number to do this. Once you've checked the status, you can also upgrade or extend your warranty.

Where do I go for Technical Support?

The best place to start is at the Lenovo.com support section, which includes resources such as drivers, software, manuals, self-help sections and tips submitted by Lenovo community members.

Additional helpful support from Lenovo customers and others can be found in the Lenovo forums.

If you still can't find what you need, you may either email us at hkcs@lenovo.com or browse our support list to locate a phone number to call a Lenovo representative.

How do I order parts?

For current or recent-generation systems, please visit Accessories & Upgrades to order common replacements such as batteries, adapters, hard drives and memory.

If you cannot find what you are looking for online, please email us by hkcs@lenovo.com

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