What are the delivery charges?

Lenovo offers free standard shipping to addresses in Hong Kong. We want your shopping experience with us to be risk-free and hassle-free.

Will you send me an email to confirm that you've received my order?

Absolutely. As soon as we receive your order, we'll let you know. Your order will be accepted when we ship the product or deliver the service to you. For further information, please read our Terms and Conditions for Online Sales.

How do I check the status of my order?

You can view your order status in one of two ways.

If you're a registered Lenovo.com customer, simply login to My Account and click View my Orders.

Alternatively, you may check your order by visiting our Order Status page.

How can I track the delivery of my package?

Once you've received your confirmation email with your order number, you will be able to login in track your delivery through our courier's website.

Can I have my purchase shipped overseas?

Unfortunately, no. We're unable to ship orders internationally from outside Hong Kong due to export restrictions and policies. However, we have online stores throughout the world, so it's easy to order from Lenovo.com for your destination country.

Does Lenovo ship to PO box addresses?

We need someone to sign for delivery, so we can't ship to PO Boxes.

What happens if I'm not at home when your courier arrives?

Our courier service team would call you before they come to the address.

What payment methods can I use?

Lenovo accepts Visa and MasterCard.

Does Lenovo accept credit cards issued outside Hong Kong SAR?

We accept cards issued worldwide.

Does Lenovo offer payment plans for businesses?

Sorry we are not offering this service at the moment.

Can I change or cancel my order after it's been placed?

We start to build your computer shortly after your order is placed. It's not always possible to cancel these types of orders, so it's best to check with our customer service team by hkcs@lenovo.com as soon as possible if you change your mind.

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