What is the best 4K monitor for gaming?

Today's video game titles, both PC and console, are being developed at 4K resolution and up to 60 frames per second for unparalleled clarity and smoothness. To get the most out of the modern gaming experience, users are going to want a 4K monitor. So which 4K gaming monitor is best? Well, the truth is that there may not be one single “best” 4K monitor for gaming... Read More

How to Find the Best Desktop Computer For You

Do people still buy desktops? You bet. Despite the fact that we live in an increasingly mobile world, and rely heavily on our smartphones and tablets for much of our computing needs, there are some things that desktops still do better than those other devices... Read More

What's the best gaming monitor?

Computer game players put unique demands on a monitor. The games are visually complex, so large, high-resolution displays are preferred to present the action realistically. Imagery in the games changes rapidly thanks to highly advanced graphics processors (GPUs)... Read More

Why Invest in a Headset for PC Gaming?

Take a look around your home; we bet you’ll find a variety of earbuds. From the cheap ones you had to grab in an airport before your flight (who hasn’t forgotten theirs at least once?), to the decent ones that came with your smartphone, you probably have quite the collection... Read More

What Are the Best Processors for Gaming?

If you’re a gamer, you know that skill and dexterity are some of the most important factors when it comes to success on the virtual battlefield... Read More

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