Do I need an account to checkout?

It's entirely up to you whether you choose to create an account or checkout as a guest.

Guest checkout is a speedy way to make a one-time purchase, but we won't store your billing and shipping information. You'll need to enter this again for any future purchases.

Of course we'd love to see you create a Lenovo account or subscribe for email updates on exclusive offers and exciting new product launches. It's your choice.

What are the benefits of creating an account and how do I do this?

By creating an account, you will be able to view your previous orders, create multiple shipping destinations and check the status of your delivery. You'll only need to enter your details once and you'll be ready to make a speedy checkout.

Create an account

How do I modify my account details?

Just click on the My Account link located in the top right hand corner of our site. Sign in with your User ID and password, make the changes you want and save them.

How do I reset my password?

If you've forgotten your password, no problems. We can generate a new one and email it to you.

Forgot my password

You can also change your password by logging in to your Lenovo account.

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