Turn over the day-to-day activities associated with the scheduling and installation of hardware and software, changes to configuration, and de-installation and relocation of equipment to the capable hands at Lenovo.
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• Think 상시 가격에서 최대 5% 추가 할인Lenovo Pro 사업자 스토어
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Lenovo Pro 사업자 스토어
Lenovo Education Store
Lenovo Pro 사업자 스토어
Lenovo Education Store
Lenovo Pro 사업자 스토어
Lenovo Education Store
Lenovo Pro 사업자 스토어
Lenovo Education Store
코파일럿+PC ThinkPad T14s gen6 출시 | 퀄컴 Snapdragon® X Elite 탑재의 차세대 AI PC 구매하기
ThinkPad 탄생 32주년! | 제한된 시간 동안 최대 38% 의 ThinkPad PC 할인 혜택을 누리세요. 구매하기
ThinkPad X1 카본 12세대 구매 시
보조배터리 50% 할인 / 모니터 및 도킹 30% 할인 -> 구매하기
커스텀 PC 장바구니 쿠폰 – 200/300/400만원 이상 구성 시 4/10/12만원 추가 할인 구매하기
비즈니스를 위한 Lenovo | 무료 멤버십, 회원 독점 할인, 1x1 기술 지원 등.
Turn over the day-to-day activities associated with the scheduling and installation of hardware and software, changes to configuration, and de-installation and relocation of equipment to the capable hands at Lenovo.
IMAC: Install, Move, Add, Change Services
Take back your time, capital, and resources to focus on what you do best
Allow Lenovo's IMAC Services to:
• Deploy new hardware and/or software
• Relocate IT assets to other locations
• Rebuild or reinstall software images
• Add new accessories, memory, or processor upgrades
Asset Recovery Services
Maximize the residual value of your IT assets and properly dispose end-of-life assets.
Complete the deployment lifecycle with Asset Recovery Services. ARS is a comprehensive solution for environmentally safe and secure asset disposal. Certified data destruction is available onsite. A client portal is used for easy submission of pick-up requests and tracking. Return value for re-marketable assets is available. There is a single point of contact and detailed reporting to help simplify management.